guest blog

Impeachment Isn’t a Joke

Good Friday morning. I hope this is the end of a good, productive week for everyone. Mine has been anything but. Too many appointments taking me away from my writing this week, but I did get a little bit done yesterday on the third book in the Seasons Mystery Series. If I dedicate most of …

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The Changing of the Seasons

It’s been a crazy few days for me, so things are all out of order regarding my usual blog pattern. Slim Randles is my guest today with a thoughtful essay about September and the move from Summer to Autumn and what that means for country folks. And other folks, too.  He might be back on …

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Thinking Outside the Box

Pull up a chair and help me welcome Michael E. Witzgall to the blog as today’s Wednesday’s Guest. I reviewed his police procedural mystery,Sentinel’s Dilemma, here on Sunday, and today he’s sharing a very nice story about how he learned to think outside the box. Or maybe more like he showed his grandfather how to. …

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Five Things to Remember as a New Writer

Please help me welcome John W. Howell as today’s Wednesday’s Guest. I had the pleasure of meeting John a couple of months ago at the McKinney Book Festival and added him to my list of Indie Authors I wanted to help with some promotion on my blog. He’s written a number of novels, some action …

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Hot Enough For You?

Yoga is supposed to be good for you, but I might have over-stretched the ‘good’ in my yoga class on Wednesday. Had horrible muscle spasms in my back on Thursday and it’s just marginally better today. Thank goodness my friend Slim is always ready with one of his humor columns when I am not able …

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Rosemary Poole-Carter Chats With Lenore

For those of us who write, our characters are as real to us as the people next door so it’s perfectly natural for us to have a conversation with them now and then. So today I welcome Rosemary Poole-Carter and her central character, Lenore, as they chat a bit about Rosemary’s book Only Charlotte and …

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