writing tips

Learning to be Still – Tips from Kristen Lamb

Kristen Lamb, an author and writing coach, writes a blog that I follow, and she recently posted an essay: Quiet: Have We Forgotten to Be Still in a World That Never Stops.  When I read the title, I was intrigued, mainly because I have always struggled with being still. Quiet. Sitting and doing… nothing. Perhaps …

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Five Things to Remember as a New Writer

Please help me welcome John W. Howell as today’s Wednesday’s Guest. I had the pleasure of meeting John a couple of months ago at the McKinney Book Festival and added him to my list of Indie Authors I wanted to help with some promotion on my blog. He’s written a number of novels, some action …

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World Cup Soccer and Writing

Since I like to celebrate strong women in my books and on my blog, I want to say how impressed I was with Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović when the Croatian Soccer Team lost to France in the final game of the World Cup. The internet was filled with pictures of her celebrating the team despite the …

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Advice For Aspiring Authors

My guest today is Kate Murdoch, the author of Stone Circle, a historical  fantasy novel set in  Renaissance Italy that was released December 2017. She is sharing some tips on the business of writing for those considering writing a novel and seeking publication. As she says, getting from that first word on paper to a published book is not …

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