
Monday Morning Musing

First, I have some exciting news. Desperate Season, the third book in the Seasons Mystery Series is ready for pre-order over at Amazon. I’ve listed it at a special price of only $1.99 for the ebook, so if you’ve been eager to read the next book, now’s your chance to get it for less than …

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Feed Your Mule

Oh my, I can relate to this offering from Slim Randles, who is here as today’s Wednesday’s Guest. Anyone who’s been around large farm animals can. Read on and enjoy. But first, I want to share this photo of another flower that bloomed on my Hollyhock bush. I’m really loving this special surprise that popped …

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A Nation’s Great Loss – Congressman John Lewis

This past Friday, when 80-year-old Georgia Congressman John Lewis died from pancreatic cancer, our country lost a pillar of the civil rights movement. He grew up in the South, the son of a sharecropper, and when he was a refused admittance into a college in Alabama, he wrote to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr for …

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Take Me Out to the Ball Game

The news is so depressing, I can’t even read about it anymore, and I’m sure I’m not alone. Between the pandemic, the nonsense that goes on in politics, and the way people in general are verbally and physically attacking others, I’m about to give up on the whole human race. Well, maybe with the exception …

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Dealing With the Pandemic

It’s next to impossible for a writer to not bring the current pandemic into his or her writing now’a days, and Slim Randles is right there with the rest of us. It’s been fun seeing the pandemic through the eyes of the guys at the Mule Barn Truck stop, especially from good ol’ Windy. Before …

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