book excerpt

Feed Your Mule

Oh my, I can relate to this offering from Slim Randles, who is here as today’s Wednesday’s Guest. Anyone who’s been around large farm animals can. Read on and enjoy. But first, I want to share this photo of another flower that bloomed on my Hollyhock bush. I’m really loving this special surprise that popped …

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#FridayReads – DESPERATE SEASON Excerpt

Well, I finished my self-edit of Desperate Season, the third book in the Seasons Mystery Series, and it is off with another editor for that ever-so-crucial final proofing. That is a step some new authors who are self-publishing skip, as well as getting a pro to format the interior of the book, and a graphic …

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Down at The Swimming Hole

Ah! I love this essay from Slim Randles, who is today’s Wednesday’s Guest. It reminds me of the swimming hole an uncle in West Virginia took us kids to one summer when we were visiting. I don’t remember a tire swing, but I do remember the deep, crystal clear water and the dead tree at …

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How Hot is It?

This is an older post from Slim Randles, obviously written before the pandemic had us avoiding avoiding restaurants and diners like they were filled with rattlesnakes. But since it is hot, hot, hot here in Texas, the content definitely resonates.  I hope everyone is safe and well. Keep wearing masks and keep social distancing. Support …

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Take Me Out to the Ball Game

The news is so depressing, I can’t even read about it anymore, and I’m sure I’m not alone. Between the pandemic, the nonsense that goes on in politics, and the way people in general are verbally and physically attacking others, I’m about to give up on the whole human race. Well, maybe with the exception …

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Dealing With the Pandemic

It’s next to impossible for a writer to not bring the current pandemic into his or her writing now’a days, and Slim Randles is right there with the rest of us. It’s been fun seeing the pandemic through the eyes of the guys at the Mule Barn Truck stop, especially from good ol’ Windy. Before …

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Friday’s Odds and Ends

I’m finally back among the living after a week of being really sick. Not the COVID, thank God. Had a bad reaction to some new pain meds the neurologist prescribed for my trigeminal neuralgia. It took several days for that med, and the ones to counteract side-effects of that drug, to leave my system. After …

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A Guide for Staying Safe- Not!

Well, it’s Wednesday again, and here’s Slim Randles with another bit of fun with Windy Wilson. If the social limitations of the current pandemic are starting wear down your coping skills, you have nothing on good ol’ Windy. He of the fractured English and limited social graces that make the guys down at the Mule-Barn …

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