writing tips

Getting Past Hatred

This meme made me smile. The message is a clever response to the adage, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” I’ll take a little sugar and water, please. I’m posting the blog late today. I started writing it this morning, but had to stop because of pain in my head. When the pain eased up, I decided …

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Creating Secret Identities

Please help me welcome Larry and Carolyn Watts as my guest today. They are the husband and wife team who wrote Dishonored and Forgotten  – a fictional account of a 1950’s narcotics scandal that rocked the Houston, Texas Police Department. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the post about how some characters are created. The thin black man …

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Friday Fun & Writing Tips

These questions were sent to me by a friend via e-mail, and I thought they were very clever. Put me in mind of comedians George Carlin and Steven Wright, who both gave/give us things to think about with their humor. They were also favorites of mine and my husband’s, and we spent many an evening laughing, …

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