guest post

Five Things to Remember as a New Writer

Please help me welcome John W. Howell as today’s Wednesday’s Guest. I had the pleasure of meeting John a couple of months ago at the McKinney Book Festival and added him to my list of Indie Authors I wanted to help with some promotion on my blog. He’s written a number of novels, some action …

Five Things to Remember as a New Writer Read More »

Hot Enough For You?

Yoga is supposed to be good for you, but I might have over-stretched the ‘good’ in my yoga class on Wednesday. Had horrible muscle spasms in my back on Thursday and it’s just marginally better today. Thank goodness my friend Slim is always ready with one of his humor columns when I am not able …

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Rosemary Poole-Carter Chats With Lenore

For those of us who write, our characters are as real to us as the people next door so it’s perfectly natural for us to have a conversation with them now and then. So today I welcome Rosemary Poole-Carter and her central character, Lenore, as they chat a bit about Rosemary’s book Only Charlotte and …

Rosemary Poole-Carter Chats With Lenore Read More »

Meet the Author: Erin-Claire Barrow

Help me welcome Erin-Claire Barrow as today’s Wednesday’s Guest. She has written and illustrated the delightful book, The Adventurous Princess and other feminist fairy tales, which I reviewed here this past Sunday. This is a long post, but it’s all quite interesting, especially the history of fairy tales and the men who first wrote them. …

Meet the Author: Erin-Claire Barrow Read More »

All-American Names

Did you listen to the Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate last night? I did not, even though I’m very interested in what the candidates stand for. The problem with so many debates is that they turn into attacks on the other candidates, and that is not what a true debate is supposed to be.  So, I …

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Try, Try Again – Guest Post by JoAnn Wagner

I’m welcoming JoAnn Wagner as today’s Wednesday’s Guest with a fun post about never giving up when faced with a huge challenge. We’ve all been there, so we can all take heart from her experience. PERSISTENCE PAYS OFF Yes it does! I’ll tell you how in a little bit, but let me start with a big …

Try, Try Again – Guest Post by JoAnn Wagner Read More »

Research And Plot

Marilyn Meredith, a prolific mystery author, is my guest today, sharing a post to which most writers can relate. We’ve all wandered down that research path and found new plot elements to explore in our stories.  I reviewed her latest release, Spirit Wind, here last Sunday. Let’s have a refreshing glass of lemonade and enjoy …

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