Friday’s Odds and Ends

Friday Fun & Writing Tips

These questions were sent to me by a friend via e-mail, and I thought they were very clever. Put me in mind of comedians George Carlin and Steven Wright, who both gave/give us things to think about with their humor. They were also favorites of mine and my husband’s, and we spent many an evening laughing, …

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Friday’s Odds and Ends

Before heading into serious content, I wanted to start the day with this cute meme. Thank goodness the only bodies I have to hide are in fiction. LOL IN THE NEWS The names of people that the president-elect is choosing to fill cabinet posts is most distressing. Steve Bannon, whom The Trumster has tapped as …

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The Candidates on Issues

First your Friday Meme for today. Thanks to Things to consider before voting As we wind down to the election in a couple of weeks, I thought I would post one last article dealing with politics, specifically the presidential campaign In a comprehensive interview published in the AARP Bulletin, the two primary presidential candidates, …

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Friday Odds and Ends

First your Friday fun meme. Now some exciting news. I have finally finished the romance novella I’ve been working on for months. “And why did it take so long to write a novella?” you might ask. For those of you who read my blog regularly, you know that I have been plagued with severe head …

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Friday’s Odds and Ends

Before getting into the usual topics on my Friday blog, I wanted to share some exciting news. S&H Publishing is a small publisher with a big heart that releases quality books. I first did business with them when they accepted my story, “To Love Again” for their International collection of short stories –Short & Happy (or not) Now they …

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