
Book Excerpt – Evelyn Evolving

Before moving on to the excerpt, here is a meme I found online. I couldn’t resist the cute kitten face with that sad expression. It was a wild weekend for many of us in Texas as Hurricane Harold decided to spread havoc over much of the southern and middle portion of the state. We were lucky …

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Book Preview and Excerpt

Today I’d like to introduce you to S.L. Smith, the author of several mysteries in the Pete Culnane Mysteries series. I just love her photo with the Calabash pipe, ala Sherlock Holmes. When I did a Google search for the correct name of the pipe, I discovered that the that particular pipe choice for Holmes was made …

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Monday Morning Musings

I’m back! Did you all play nicely while I was gone? The two-week drama camp was amazing, and the performances were outstanding. Here is a picture of just one of the scenes. The show title was “Mayhem on Market Street,” and the story involved thievery, mischief, and a search for a mcguffin. One of the parents …

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