guest blog

The Poignancy of Death

Slim Randles is here today with a somewhat sobering blog post about death. That isn’t a topic that most of us like to talk about, or read about, or even think about too much. But in my years of knowing some pretty amazing country folks, I’ve come to understand that they are somewhat more pragmatic …

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When Home is Home

Slim Randles is here as the first Wednesday’s Guest of 2019, and today he shares a thoughtful piece about place, more specifically our “place.” Slim is obviously very comfortable in his place. Are we? How often do we stop and take stock of what makes where we live our home?  The end of this month …

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Down a Slippery Slope

Slim Randles is here today with a story from Marvin’s point of view. Marvin is one of the guys from the gang at the Mule Barn Truck Stop who we don’t hear about as much as the others, but when Marvin speaks, it’s always with a depth of wisdom, touched with sardonic wit.   Since we’re …

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Windy’s Gonna be Rich

Slim Randles is today’s Wednesday’s guest with the latest from Windy, who has never found a word he didn’t like to mangle. Still, the guys at the Mule Bar Truck Stop like to keep him around. It’s always good to have some comic relief. It is pretty cold here in Texas today, and it was …

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Mid-Week #Humor From Slim Randles

Got a late start with the blog today. Went to a Yoga class this morning, then hung around the senior center to have lunch with some friends. Yes, I am old enough to hang around a senior center. 🙂 While not all the election results made me happy, I was excited to see so many …

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