guest blog

All-American Names

Did you listen to the Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate last night? I did not, even though I’m very interested in what the candidates stand for. The problem with so many debates is that they turn into attacks on the other candidates, and that is not what a true debate is supposed to be.  So, I …

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Try, Try Again – Guest Post by JoAnn Wagner

I’m welcoming JoAnn Wagner as today’s Wednesday’s Guest with a fun post about never giving up when faced with a huge challenge. We’ve all been there, so we can all take heart from her experience. PERSISTENCE PAYS OFF Yes it does! I’ll tell you how in a little bit, but let me start with a big …

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Research And Plot

Marilyn Meredith, a prolific mystery author, is my guest today, sharing a post to which most writers can relate. We’ve all wandered down that research path and found new plot elements to explore in our stories.  I reviewed her latest release, Spirit Wind, here last Sunday. Let’s have a refreshing glass of lemonade and enjoy …

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Early Morning Ride

Slim Randles is back as today’s Wednesday’s Guest with a story about a man and a horse. I know we’re met Steve and ol’ Snort before, but it’s always nice to touch base with friends again. Slim has been writing about these guys who frequent the Mule Barn Truck Stop for so long, they are …

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Not Miss Marple

Please help me welcome Frankie Y. Bailey as today’s Wednesday’s Guest. She is a prolific writer, fiction and nonfiction, writing in her area of expertise, Criminal Justice. I reviewed her most recent fiction release, A Dead Man’s Honor, here on Sunday. It’s a good mystery with some terrific characters. Since Lizzie is not Miss Marple, …

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Words of Wisdom for Graduates

As a special treat today, I have Slim Randles with a fun post about graduation and graduation speakers. Enjoy… When we filtered in for coffee at the Mule Barn truck stop, we were surprised to see Jim Albertson already there, already drinking coffee and looking as though he lost his last friend. It’s so unlike …

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Need Help With That Car?

What is it they say about the best laid plans? Mine for this week didn’t include a trip to the veterinarian with one of my cats, Lily, that ate up most of Tuesday mid-day. Got home from the 11 o’clock appointment at 2:30. Oh, about those plans? On Monday, I finished up a writing spree …

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