
Where is the Humanity?

December 8, seven-year-old Jakelin Caal Maquin, from Guatemala, died while in custody of Border Patrol Agents, provoking an instant backlash in the news and online about the way migrants are treated at the border. The latest new story from NBC News says that it’s likely she died of sepsis, but a full autopsy report is not …

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#Friday Reads: A Dead Tomato Plant And A Paycheck

We have just under two weeks before Christmas, and I have spent the major part of this past week down with a cold. That means that I am behind in almost all my preparations, but then what’s new? I have always done the Christmas Scramble to get everything done before the fat man comes down …

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Down a Slippery Slope

Slim Randles is here today with a story from Marvin’s point of view. Marvin is one of the guys from the gang at the Mule Barn Truck Stop who we don’t hear about as much as the others, but when Marvin speaks, it’s always with a depth of wisdom, touched with sardonic wit.   Since we’re …

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Windy’s Gonna be Rich

Slim Randles is today’s Wednesday’s guest with the latest from Windy, who has never found a word he didn’t like to mangle. Still, the guys at the Mule Bar Truck Stop like to keep him around. It’s always good to have some comic relief. It is pretty cold here in Texas today, and it was …

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