evelyn evolving

Book Excerpt -Evelyn Evolving

It was five years ago yesterday that my mother, Evelyn, died, and it will be four years ago in June that I started writing the book that has become, Evelyn Evolving. It took almost three years of writing and rewriting to get the story right, then another year for the book to find a publisher. …

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Book Excerpt – Evelyn Evolving

I’m going to be at a fun event on Saturday in Winnsboro, and I’m really looking forward to seeing my friends there. Bill Jones and I will sign copies of our books, Images of America and Reflections of Winnsboro, and then I will have my own books available for purchase and autographs. And now another …

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#fridayreads Book Excerpt – Evelyn Evolving

It is only fitting that, on this day in particular, I continue sharing excerpts from the book I’m writing about my mother. This is her birthday. She died three years ago at age 95, and I still miss her. I am not sure when I will never miss her, or even if that is possible. …

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