cowboy humor

To Squash or Not. That is the Question

To those of you who read Sunday’s review and came here expecting a guest post from Ken K, I apologize. There was a mixup in communications from me to his PR rep and then to him, and the post never came to me. Perhaps he will send it another time. Still I’m sure you’ll enjoy …

To Squash or Not. That is the Question Read More »

Medicine the Asian Way

When it comes to guest posts, this one is interesting. Slim Randles is here as today’s Wednesday’s guest with a guest post on his Home Country column from Windy Wilson. It’s sort of like playing with those Russian dolls that have one inside another and another and another. Never fear, though. It’s just me and …

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Impeachment Isn’t a Joke

Good Friday morning. I hope this is the end of a good, productive week for everyone. Mine has been anything but. Too many appointments taking me away from my writing this week, but I did get a little bit done yesterday on the third book in the Seasons Mystery Series. If I dedicate most of …

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A Place of Honor

Slim Randles is here as today’s Wednesday’s Guest, and it’s actually Wednesday. 🙂 One of the many nice things about Slim is that he sends these columns out at no charge, and they are seen in hundreds of newspapers across the country and cyberspace. I’m always grateful that he shares these with us, and I …

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Hot Enough For You?

Yoga is supposed to be good for you, but I might have over-stretched the ‘good’ in my yoga class on Wednesday. Had horrible muscle spasms in my back on Thursday and it’s just marginally better today. Thank goodness my friend Slim is always ready with one of his humor columns when I am not able …

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All-American Names

Did you listen to the Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate last night? I did not, even though I’m very interested in what the candidates stand for. The problem with so many debates is that they turn into attacks on the other candidates, and that is not what a true debate is supposed to be.  So, I …

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