Wednesday’s Guest

Wonderful Early Mornings

Maybe it’s the time of year. Or the challenges we are all facing with uncertainties that are out of our control. Or just the fact that sometime Slim Randles gets very thoughtful in what he writes. He is more than a humorist after all, and through the years that I’ve gotten to know him by …

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Mid-Week Humor to Brighten our Lives

Slim Randles is here as today’s Wednesday’s Guest with an entertaining story about rain and storms. When was the last time you said “thank you” for the rain? Before I turn the blog over to Slim, however, I do want to take a moment to remember my father who died on April 1, 2010. I’ll …

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An Interview With a Fictional Character

A Long Way Home Myra Hargrave McIlvain Myra interviews Meredith Haggerty, the protagonist in this wonderful story I reviewed here last Sunday. BLURB: After crippling her husband in an auto crash, Meredith Haggerty endures years of his abuse while harboring a plan to escape when she can make it look as if she died. She grasps …

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#Humor From Slim Randles

I just returned from North Carolina where I attended my granddaughter’s wedding. (By the picture above, you can probably guess what city we were in.) The festivities were all wonderful, but unfortunately, the plane ride stirred up my trigeminal neuralgia big time, and I wasn’t able to participate to the level that I would have …

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A Favorite Fishing Hole

Once again I welcome Slim Randles as today’s Wednesday’s Guest. The guys from the Mule-Barn Truck Stop are out at their favorite fishing hole. It’s getting to be that time of the year again for casting a line out at the lake to see what you can catch. Many of the columns Slim shares here, …

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Of Goats and Farmers

Join me in welcoming Slim Randles as today’s Wednesday’s Guest. This story about Steve and the goat really resonated with me. When I first moved to my little “ranch” in East Texas, I wanted a goat. Despite what folks said about not getting a billy, I bought the cutest little kid, that soon grew into …

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Meet Mystery Author D.B. Borton

Please help me welcome D.B. Borton to the blog as today’s Wednesday’s Guest. She is the author of Bayou City Burning, the first book in a new mystery series that I reviewed here last Sunday. Since the story takes place in Houston, TX in the summer, when even the sidewalks melt in the summer, maybe …

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Mid-Week #Humor from Slim Randles

Since there’s still lots of winter happening, even here in NE Texas, I thought this arrangement of sunflowers and carnations would help everyone think Spring. I’ve been down with a nasty cold since Sunday, so I’m planning to stay wrapped in blankets tomorrow. The carnations are left from a bouquet that I bought two weeks …

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