
Friday’s Odds and Ends

Before heading into serious content, I wanted to start the day with this cute meme. Thank goodness the only bodies I have to hide are in fiction. LOL IN THE NEWS The names of people that the president-elect is choosing to fill cabinet posts is most distressing. Steve Bannon, whom The Trumster has tapped as …

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A Different Way to Celebrate Thanksgiving

Slim Randles is here as today’s Wednesday’s Guest with an essay that resonates with me since I am a horse lover. Steve, one of the regulars at the Mule Barn Truck Stop, is doing something different for Thanksgiving. Speaking of which, I always bake pumpkin pies early in the week so we can make sure they are good …

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Monday Morning Surprise

I have a surprise guest today. I know, it isn’t Wednesday, but Slim Randles is already scheduled for Wednesday, so I thought I’d introduce you to a fantastic singer.  First I have to say I had not heard of Heather Schmid until I received an e-mail from her publicity folks. I guess because I’m on …

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