strong women

Author Interview – Kate Frost

It is always great fun to have a character from a book interview the author, and today Kate Frost, who wrote Beneath the Apple Blossom,  is chatting with Sienna, one of the characters in the story. I was delighted to read the book and post a review last Sunday.  Kate lives in the UK, so the spelling …

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Monday Morning Musings

Readers and writers alike can relate to this meme. There is a great deal of happiness in the creative process and a lot in reading the results of another author’s creative process. Saturday night I was able to go to my first live concert in months. This Ramsay Hunt Syndrome causes visual and auditory problems. …

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Author Interview – Dayna Steele

Dayna Steele is here as today’s Wednesday’s Guest. She is the author of Surviving Alzheimer’s With Friends, Facebook, and A Really Big Glass of Wine . The book that I reviewed here last Sunday,  and today she is sharing some behind-the-scenes information about the book and how she came to write it. Picking what to have for refreshments today …

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Book Review – Surviving Alzheimer’s

Before I post the book review, I do want to take a moment to wish every mother a Happy Mother’s Day. Enjoy your special day!! Surviving Alzheimer’s With Friends, Facebook, and a Really Big Glass of Wine Dayna Steele with Heather Rossiello File Size: 11854 KB Print Length: 228 pages Publication Date: February 22, 2016 Sold …

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The Power of Story

Please help me welcome Kristy Woodson Harvey as today’s Wednesday’s Guest. Her latest novel, Lies and Other Acts of Love, was recently released, and I had the pleasure of reading it before this nasty Ramsey Hunt came to visit. Unfortunately, my brain has been toast since the end of January, so I don’t remember enough of the …

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