guest post

Book Preview and Excerpt

Today I’d like to introduce you to S.L. Smith, the author of several mysteries in the Pete Culnane Mysteries series. I just love her photo with the Calabash pipe, ala Sherlock Holmes. When I did a Google search for the correct name of the pipe, I discovered that the that particular pipe choice for Holmes was made …

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Research and Mysteries

Please help me welcome Betty Jean Craige as today’s Wednesday’s guest. She has written a number of books in the Witherston Mystery Series and Dam Witherston, which I reviewed this past Sunday, is the 3rd book in the series. Today she is sharing some of the interesting things she discovered while doing research for her …

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An Epitaph or An Epithet

Help me welcome Slim Randles as today’s Wednesday’s Guest. He has another fun story from the guys down at the Mule Barn Truck Stop. You just never know what the gang is going to talk about and this conversation is full of toads and spuds and pirates. Read along and enjoy some pie and coffee with …

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