guest post

What You Need to Know About Opera

Slim Randles is here as today’s Wednesday’s Guest with some advice for one of his cowboy friends. All in fun. All in fiction. Enjoy a hot cup of coffee as you read on…   Our resident cowboy, Steve, brought us the shocking news: cowpuncher Three-Chord Cortez, that bunkhouse balladeer, plans to study opera, in hopes …

What You Need to Know About Opera Read More »

Should Series Characters Age?

Please help me welcome Judy Alter to the blog as today’s Wednesday’s Guest. She is the author of numerous mysteries, including her latest, Contract For Chaos, that I previewed here on Sunday. Today she is sharing some interesting thoughts on writing books in a series and dealing with characters and how they age as the …

Should Series Characters Age? Read More »

Think It’ll Rain?

Slim Randles is today’s Wednesday’s Guest with an essay I can relate to today in a specific way as it is raining here, too. There is something so relaxing about rain in most circumstances, unless it turns into a raging storm. So far here, it is only rain, with an occasional rumble of thunder, just …

Think It’ll Rain? Read More »

Preachers and Bicycles and Guilt

I was so busy with an editing job, I nearly forgot to post Slim Randles latest offering for our reading pleasure. I am always grateful to Slim for sharing his columns with us here, as well as the readers in the hundreds of newspapers across the country where his column, Home Country,  appears. He is …

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