book excerpt

Cheat? Who’s cheating?

Help me welcome Slim Randles as our Wednesday’s Guest today, with a story about what cabin fever can do to a man. Windy sinks to a new low. Read on to find out just how low. It’s getting close to Christmas, so I thought some cookies were in order for a snack today. Help yourself. …

Cheat? Who’s cheating? Read More »

Those New-Fangled Car Engines

Slim Randles is back as today’s Wednesday’s Guest, and he’s introducing us to another one of the guys that hang out at the Mule-Barn Truck Stop. What an interesting group of men, and I suspect they are not all made-up characters. But no matter, they’re always fun to share space at the counter and have …

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Black Friday Shopping?

Happy day after Thanksgiving everyone. Are you as stuffed as the turkey was and lounging in front of the television, not venturing out to the stores this Black Friday? I’m not stuffed, but I’m still not going out. I’ll be sharing time with my daughter-in-law putting up her Christmas tree. Then later going to my …

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Friends Just Want to Have Fun

Slim Randles is here as today’s Wednesday’s Guest, bringing us another visit down at the Mule Barn Truck Stop. The thing about good friends is, well, you can have fun with them while funnin’ with them. These friends know how to do that in spades. Grab a piece of pie to have with your drink …

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All About Books

Good Monday morning. Today the blog will primarily be about books and a great contest. I’ll share some danish as we read along… We writers know the tough work of the business really starts after the hard work of crafting a novel ends and we have to start the marketing. It would be so much …

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Another Conspiracy Theory

Slim Randles is here as today’s Wednesday’s Guest with a fun story from Steve, one of the regulars down at the Mule Barn Truck Stop. When you have coffee with the guys, there’s no telling what stories you’ll run into. I’m always glad that Slim offers them here for our enjoyment. So grab a cup …

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Friday Reads – Excerpt From A Dead Tomato Plant and a Paycheck

Today I’m thinking about my husband and missing him. Had he lived, this would be his 82nd birthday. When I was contemplating what to write about for today’s blog, I thought of how much he liked Halloween. He loved to sit out on the porch in a  costume and make scary noises as the kids …

Friday Reads – Excerpt From A Dead Tomato Plant and a Paycheck Read More »

To Squash or Not. That is the Question

To those of you who read Sunday’s review and came here expecting a guest post from Ken K, I apologize. There was a mixup in communications from me to his PR rep and then to him, and the post never came to me. Perhaps he will send it another time. Still I’m sure you’ll enjoy …

To Squash or Not. That is the Question Read More »

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