book excerpt

Book Excerpt – Third Book in The Seasons Mystery Series

Over the next few months I’m going to occasionally share an excerpt from the third book in the Seasons Mystery Series, Desperate Season. I’ve been trying to get this book completed for a few years now, but life and other books interfered. Other than having to clean up the rough parts of the last two …

Book Excerpt – Third Book in The Seasons Mystery Series Read More »

Mid-Week #Humor from Slim Randles

Since there’s still lots of winter happening, even here in NE Texas, I thought this arrangement of sunflowers and carnations would help everyone think Spring. I’ve been down with a nasty cold since Sunday, so I’m planning to stay wrapped in blankets tomorrow. The carnations are left from a bouquet that I bought two weeks …

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Writing a Book is Not Easy. Just Ask Dud.

Help me welcome Slim Randles as today’s Wednesday’s Guest, bringing some of the guys from the Mule Barn Truck Stop with him. Dud us here to give us the skinny on the joys and challenges of writing a book. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy…   Dud sat quietly this morning at the daily …

Writing a Book is Not Easy. Just Ask Dud. Read More »

Humpday #humor from Slim Randles

Slim Randles is here as today’s Wednesday’s Guest with a fun story about business – big city and small town. Like Slim and Herb and many others, I prefer small town and mom and pop shops. There’s something about those small stores and the people who run them that’s pretty special. Herb is that kind …

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Great Teachers

Slim Randles is here as my guest today. I know it’s not Wednesday, but the week got a little skewed with the special blog post on Tuesday, and I thought it would be good to end the week with some fun from Slim. Goodness knows we need a bit of laughter in these difficult times. …

Great Teachers Read More »

#Humor from Slim Randles

Slim Randles is here as today’s Wednesday’s Guest. I guess there is lots of snow and cold winds where the Mule Barn Truck Stop is located. It’s sunny and a little warm here in my corner of NE Texas, so I don’t know whether to have a cup of coffee with the guys or iced …

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