book excerpt

A History Lesson from Windy

It’s a busy end of the week and weekend for me, so I am going to let Slim Randles entertain us with another posting from the Mule Barn Truck Stop, but first just a couple of things that are bothering me. I was listening to the confirmation hearing for Gina Haspel to head the CIA, …

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Book Excerpt – Evelyn Evolving

I’m going to be at a fun event on Saturday in Winnsboro, and I’m really looking forward to seeing my friends there. Bill Jones and I will sign copies of our books, Images of America and Reflections of Winnsboro, and then I will have my own books available for purchase and autographs. And now another …

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What’s the Favorite Part of Your Job?

Slim Randles is back with an interesting post that made me stop and think about my job and the best part of it. It’s hard to say just one best part, as there are a few things about writing that bring me great satisfaction and make my heart smile.  After you read what Slim has …

What’s the Favorite Part of Your Job? Read More »

The Price of Progress

Slim Randles is here to entertain us today with another story from the Mule Barn Truck Stop. Is it is just my imagination, or is there a subtle editorial slant to this? I don’t know. Maybe I’ve just been listening to too many POD Save America podcasts, but Del certainly does seem to have a …

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Necessity – The Mother of Invention

Slim Randles is my guest today with a story featuring Windy and one of his hair-brained ideas. Windy, that is, not Slim. The guys down at the Mule Barn Truck Stop sometimes wonder where Windy’s elevator stops. It certainly does not go to the top floor, but you have to love the guy. His approach …

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