Emma Larkins. screenwriting

Book Review – Mechalarum by Emma Larkins

Mechalarum Emma Larkins File Size: 828 KB Print Length: 230 pages Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited Publication Date: October 8, 2014 Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc. Language: English ASIN: B00NE4ABMQ BOOK BLURB – In the dystopian science fiction novel Mechalarum, sciencers toil in a last-ditch effort to defeat the offworld Losh, who have rained death …

Book Review – Mechalarum by Emma Larkins

A New Interview

Emma Larkins has an interview with me on her blog http://emmalarkins.blogspot.com/ This one covers a little bit of how I got into screenwriting. Stop on over if you are interested. Emma is what she terms “an emerging writer” and she is a fun person with lots of interesting things on her blog.

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