book review

Book Review – Dead For the Money by Peg Herring

Dead For the Money Peg Herring LL Publications Had I known the concept of this Dead Detective series, I might not have agreed to read the book for possible review. When I was telling my husband what the book was about, he gave me this one-eyebrow-raised look. “A dead guy is a detective.” “Yeah.” “Okay…” …

Book Review – Dead For the Money by Peg Herring Read More »

Book Review – Murder Unscripted by Clive Rosengren

I really appreciate all the reviews that my writer friend, Carl Brookins, so generously shares. Although at times I wish he would not be recommending so many books that are hard to resist. He has no idea how long my list of books I want to read is. (smile) Murder Unscriptedby Clive RosengrenISBN: 97819357971972012 release …

Book Review – Murder Unscripted by Clive Rosengren Read More »

Book Review: Some Like it Red Hot by Robin Merrill

Thank you Carl Brookins for another review to share. This one is for a hot romantic suspense novel.  Some Like It Red Hot By Robin MerrillAcacia Publishing, IncISBN: 978-0-9774-306-4-22008, Trade Paper, 276 pages Lotsimina Hannon (Lotsi to her intimates) is forced by an evil corporate empire to retire before her time. Lotsi, for want of …

Book Review: Some Like it Red Hot by Robin Merrill Read More »

Book Review – Under the Dog Star by Sandra Parshall

 Thanks again to Carl Brookins for another great review. Under The Dog Star by Sandra Parshall ISBN: 978-1-59058-878-9 a 2011 Poisoned Pen release, 303 pages The story is already in full-bore action when you open the book. “In the silver moonlight, the dogs appear as a dark mass moving down the hill and across the …

Book Review – Under the Dog Star by Sandra Parshall Read More »

Book Review – Forever Young: Blessing or Curse by Morgan Mandel

Forever Young: Blessing or CurseMorgan Mandele-BookRelease date: December 2011 Middle-aged Dorrie Donato, is newly widowed and realizes she has to find a way to pay outstanding bills from years her husband had been out of work. He had started a new job at the Life is for Living Institute, but he hadn’t worked there long …

Book Review – Forever Young: Blessing or Curse by Morgan Mandel Read More »

Book Review – Assignment Nepal by J.S. Squires

Thanks to Carl Brookins for sharing another review with us.   Assignment:Nepal      By J.S. SquiresASIN: B005VFMK6Q2011 E-book release from Echelon Press Readers of this review should be aware that this press has published some of my crime fiction and I am acquainted with the publisher, though not with the two authors writing under a single …

Book Review – Assignment Nepal by J.S. Squires Read More »

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