Birthday’s, Gifts, and Bargain Books

I know, it’s Tuesday and I don’t normally post on Tuesday, but there are so many neat things going on this week, and this month, I just had to tell you about them.

First, of course, is my birthday on July Fourth. The other day my friend, Alex J. Cavanaugh suggested we have fireworks to celebrate. What a novel idea. I think I’ll try that while my kids are here at “Grandma’s Ranch” helping me not to feel too bad about reaching another speed limit number. By the way, it is not the speed limit that is recommended to get the best gas mileage. In fact, one should not even watch his or her gas gauge while driving at this speed. 

It seems that July is the month that lots of publishers and authors have decided to run special sales on their books. I told you last week about the sale Untreed Reads is having on short stories – 4 For the Fourth – in which you can purchase 4 short stories for a dollar.  There’s a list of books, as well as all the details on my blog post Special Sale For the Fourth of July.

Tying into the themes of birthdays and gifts, I decided that this year on my birthday, I should give a gift or two, so I am giving one person who comments on any of the blogs from last Wednesday through tomorrow all four of my short stories that are at Untreed Reads. All you have to do is leave a comment, with a contact e-mail please, and I will draw a winner on Thursday morning and arrange the gift. The short stories are; The Visitor, a retelling of the Goldilocks story; Making it Home, a story that was first published in Lady’s Circle magazine; The Last Dollar, a holiday story with a message for any time of the year; and SAHM, I Am, a humorous story about a woman and a home computer.

One of my publishers, Books We Love, is taking part in the month-long sale at Smashwords, where many books are priced at 50% off. What a terrific deal, and my short story collection, The Wisdom of Ages, is offered in the sale. As is my YA novel,  Friends Forever

Here is the opening of the book:

“Growing up isnโ€™t easy,โ€ Debbieโ€™s mother said as she worked a touch of yellow into the flowers coming to life on a canvas in front of her. โ€œGoodness knows itโ€™s never been easy, but the worst thing I had to worry about when I was your age was whether Iโ€™d get a new pimple on the night of my first date. We didnโ€™t have to deal with drugs or wonder if someone was hanging around school with a gun.โ€

Debbie stood there half-listening, impatient to be off to meet Lauren. She knew her mother meant well, but really. How many times did she have to listen to this same litany?

Her motherโ€™s voice droned on. โ€œIโ€™d never heard of uppers or downers. The only pills Iโ€™d ever seen were aspirins. The first time one of those melted in my mouth, I decided Iโ€™d never…โ€

โ€œMom,โ€ Debbie glanced at the door. โ€œCould we talk about this some other time? I promised to meet Lauren and Iโ€™m already late.โ€

There are lots of great books being offered in these sales, so I hope you find some good books and stories to add to your summer reading list. I have grabbed a few and plan to spend some early mornings on my deck enjoying them.

What do you have on your summer reading list?

13 thoughts on “Birthday’s, Gifts, and Bargain Books”

  1. I have a great number of books to read and last weekend got in three of them, now it’s time to write for awhile, but reading is always how I break away – my escape.

    It’s great that you’re giving away for your birthday, and again. Happy Birthday!

  2. You’re so lucky to have your birthday on the 4th. Mine’s on the 5th, and I’ve never, ever got to celebrate it because everyone’s been beat from celebrating the 4th. Happy birthday.

  3. happy birthday a few days, early, Charles. My sister always resented the fact that there were parades and fireworks on my birthday and not on hers. Then we both grew up and found out that five people were celebrating my birthday and the rest were celebrating the holiday. (Smile)

  4. happy birthday a few days, early, Charles. My sister always resented the fact that there were parades and fireworks on my birthday and not on hers. Then we both grew up and found out that five people were celebrating my birthday and the rest were celebrating the holiday. (Smile)

  5. Happy Birthday one day early.

    I have a ton of books lined up to read. Mostly, there the ones my husband has bought and are sitting in the “cloud” waiting for me to download. He has every book written by Vince Flynn. I’d just finished the first when I heard that Flynn had died. I’m going to keep reading until I’ve read them all.

  6. Thanks for the birthday wishes, Morgan and Helen. Much appreciated.

    Helen, I remember you reviewed some of the books by Vince Flynn and I thought then they would be good books. Do I dare add them to my HUGE TBR pile? It is so easy to get e-books now, I have about 200 in my Kindle. Will I ever have time to read them all?

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